Project for the labor integration of people at risk of social exclusion

Program for the labor integration of people at risk of exclusion

According to data from the Observatory on Disability and the Labor Market in Spain (ODISMET) of the ONCE Foundation, and the report "Working life of people with disabilities", published in 2022 by the National Statistics Institute, both with 2020 data , in Spain there are a total of 340,800 people between the ages of 16 and 64 with psychosocial disabilities, of which only 26.6% are active population, that is, they are looking for a job, working or doing some training. If we refer specifically to the employment rate, we see that it only reaches 17.1% in this population. If we focus on the young population (between 16 and 24 years old) with psychosocial disabilities, there are 29,100 young people, of whom in 2019 only 11.8% are doing some type of training.

The employment rate of people with psychosocial disabilities is 9.6 points lower than that of people with other disabilities. What is stated in the previous data shows that the population affected by mental disorders is the one that presents the greatest difficulty, not only in comparison with the general population, but also within the field of disability to enter the labor market.

AMAFE, aware of the reality in terms of employment, has been providing uninterrupted support since 2011 to people with psychosocial disabilities to include in their recovery process a training and work itinerary adapted to the needs of each one of them.

Who is it for?

This project is aimed at people who are at risk of social exclusion associated with a mental health diagnosis.

The program includes the diagnosis of employability and the design of a personalized insertion itinerary.

What does it consist of

Preparation of the talent map

Through the diagnosis and identification of personal, professional and training skills and competencies, etc. taking into account the personal and family situation of each person.

Identification of employment opportunities

Opportunities to which the person according to the previously defined map.

Identification of the training itinerary

When required according to what is indicated in the talent map. Through the proposal of training activities and/or accreditation of work experience or non-formal training actions that are appropriate for improving skills and qualifications for each participant.

collaborative identification

Of the job search actions that best suit the profile defined in the talent map and the objectives set.

Identification of protective and risk factors

Regarding mental health, promoting self-awareness and handling of adverse situations.

If you want to participate in the program for the labor integration of people at risk of social exclusion, you only have to write to us at

This training is completely free and has the support of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Employment of the Community of Madrid and the European Union through the European Social Fund financed as part of the Union's response to the Covid 19 pandemic. .

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