AMAFE has been working for over 35 years to improve the quality of life of people with mental health problems, their families, and loved ones. It has developed numerous intervention projects based on the recovery model, leading awareness and information campaigns, promoting access to decent employment, developing early intervention programs, and fostering community participation for the group; in short, promoting full citizenship for people with mental health problems.
We feel the time has come to open ourselves to new experiences and ways of intervening in mental health beyond our borders. We want to share what we've learned over the years and incorporate new methodologies implemented in Europe. Starting in 2022, we will embark on this journey through the Erasmus program, through which we work to continue growing and promoting the autonomy and rights of people with mental health problems in all areas.
AMAFE is part of a new European project with partners from Finland, Greece, Belgium and Croatia.
El proyecto MENTAL-CARE tiene como propósito alcanzar varios objetivos esenciales:
The project Mental Health Autonomy Project, led by AMAFE and with Club Ítaca Roma as a collaborating partner, aims to facilitate access and maintenance of the independent living, as well as the strengthening employabilityFinding a job and living independently are fundamental factors in a person's recovery process, and to date, they are far from being covered.
Furthermore, it aims to develop a manual of best practices through the transnational exchange of experiences between people with lived experience in mental health, their families, and their professionals.
This best practices manual will promote the right of people with mental health conditions to live autonomously and independently, without this condition entailing discrimination or exclusion. This will enable them to take control of their lives and cease being passive subjects in society.
Thanks to this manual of good practices we hope to bring the lived experiences to the greatest number of people and, in doing so, contribute to generating an exchange in the values of mental health care, including actions that encompass both the individual and the collective, placing people and their needs at the center of any action.
The Mental Health and Autonomy Project is co-funded by the European Union's Erasmus program. The content of this website is the sole responsibility of AMAFE, and neither the European Commission nor the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE) are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.
Families and independent living in mental illness Its fundamental objective is to support the paths towards independent living of people through strengthening the role of families in the recovery and promotion of independent living for family members with mental health problems, examining the strengths and weaknesses of their work and developing peer training opportunities.