“Think and Act Positively”, a research project by the Clinical Psychology Unit (UNINPSI) of the Comillas Pontifical University and AMAFE, is an initiative that It seeks to improve the well-being of people affected by a serious mental disorder through an integrative protocol based on cognitive-behavioral therapy and positive psychology..
"Think and Act Positively" is part of the second edition of the Conecta Call from the Social Observatory of the "la Caixa" Foundation.
Through a Intervention protocol that combines modules based on third-generation therapies with modules based on the cognitive-behavioral model to improve the well-being of people with serious mental illness by setting five specific objectives to achieve the outcome
With the evaluation of the protocol's effectiveness on well-being and optimism and the psychological symptoms associated with the problem.
Thanks to arandomized clinical trial and qualitative phenomenological research to delve deeper into people's personal recovery experience.
Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid
Castile-La Mancha
It will be carried out in resources focused on the psychosocial rehabilitation of people diagnosed with serious mental disorders, where AMAFE plays a leading role.
In addition to the importance that AMAFE will have in research, our Association will carry out a communication campaign through conferences, social networks and other means of communication to publicize the results with the aim of raising awareness about the importance of intervening on the well-being of the group of people with serious mental disorders.
"Think and Act Positively" is part of the second edition of the Conecta Call of the Social Observatory of the "la Caixa" Foundation.