Schizophrenia and Psychosis



Refers to experiences that alter people's beliefs, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors


May cause someone to misinterpret or confuse what is happening around them


A person with psychosis may hear voices when alone or feel that someone is watching them.


These experiences are lived and felt in a very real way.


A psychotic episode is a period of time in which such experiences significantly affect the functioning of people. They can be treated and most people recover. We speak of schizophrenia when psychotic experiences are maintained over time and require a recovery process and specialized treatment.

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Symptoms Treatment

Frequent questions

Do you have any questions? We are here to help you.

  • What is mental health?

    For the WHO, "health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of infirmity or disease".

  • What do we mean when we talk about psychosis or schizophrenia?

    The word psychosis is used to describe a state of mind in which contact with reality is lost, altering the way in which the person relates to the world.

  • How does psychosis appear?

    When psychosis first appears, a great deal of confusion ensues. Although psychosis can sometimes appear suddenly, it usually does so progressively, making it difficult for both the person experiencing it and the immediate environment to detect that something is happening.

  • What are the causes of schizophrenia?

    The onset of psychosis and schizophrenia depends on numerous factors. Some refer to intrinsic variables of the person, such as their biology, their genetics or their personal history, while others allude to triggers that come from the environment, such as traumatic events, situations of great stress or toxic consumption. It is the combination of many of these factors that can end up producing the appearance of psychosis.

  • How can you help?

    The support and understanding of relatives and relatives in the recovery process is essential. Families bear a responsibility for which many times they have not been prepared.

  • What treatment is there?

    There are numerous perspectives and treatment tools. We can highlight the efficacy of psychological, pharmacological, rehabilitative and social interventions. However, the most important thing is that all these alternatives are integrated according to the needs of each person.

  • Can people who have schizophrenia recover?

    Yes, people who have schizophrenia can, and indeed most do. This is, of course, a complex process and can sometimes require a lot of time, a lot of work and the coordinated action of many, many professionals. There are many people with schizophrenia who enjoy a full life, it may take more effort, but it is still possible.

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Calle Ruiz Perelló, 7, 28028
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